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The Wolf Among Us


When Telltale Games came to me to do exploratory work for the UX components of The Wolf Among Us 2, I was excited to test my design chops in a whole new realm. I had played—and thoroughly enjoyed—the original game, which plays basically like an interactive choose your own adventure book about fairytale characters in a gritty Neo-noir setting. I was specifically asked to do exploration work for three main components of the game: the Reticle (basically the in-game cursor system), the action buttons (interactive command prompts that appear during the story and require quick timing and precise triggering), and the pause menu.

I began my process by replaying a good chunk of the first game to get in the right headspace. While playing I would capture references and take notes to follow up on. I tried to incorporate elements of the original fairytales, often in the form of Art Nouveau style choices, and blend that with hardboiled neon noir. I think the elements came together really nicely—see for yourself below for the rest of the details. Unfortunately, due to funding issues, TellTale Games would end up shutting down before The Wolf Among Us 2 could come to fruition.